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Frequently asked questions

Below are fairly general questions that often come up. If you have a question that is more specific feel free to e-mail us!

Can you help me think of a design?

Absolutely! Let us know what you have in mind we will gladly provide you some ideas and a quote.


How much will it be?

Since all our work is custom, pricing varies based on the quantity of the order, as well as the materials used. Feel free to contact us with some details about your order so we can provide you with a proper quote.


What is your turn-around time?

Order turn-around times vary based on the type and quantity of the order. We will work with you to set up a production schedule and completion date to meets your needs. 


We forgot one, can you print us one more?

Sure no problem, just keep in mind there may be an additonal set up fee.


What type of file do you need for the artwork?

The ideal artwork file is digitally created in either photoshop or illustrator. If you do not have the original digital file, we will also accept an image (preferably high resolution) that we can digitize.

What is your policy on returns or exchanges?

Since we do all custom printing, all sales are final. We do not accept returns or exchanges. If there is something wrong with your order, please contact us and we will resolve the issue to the best of our ability.  

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